Any time a capital letter is referenced for a command, you should use the Shift key combined with that letter. 在使用引用一个大写字母的命令时,您应该使用Shift键加上这个字母。
If the letter shifts beyond'z ','Z', or'9 ', the shift will start from'a','A ', or'0'again. 如果字符偏移后超出了'z'、'Z'或'9',就重新回到'a'、'A'或'0'计算偏移。
Other Benefits: On your resume or cover letter, indicate whether you are willing to work the graveyard shift, accept a low salary or take classes at your own expense to get up to speed. 其他益处:在你履历或者求职信中,指出你是否愿意值夜班,接受较低薪水或者自己付费接受培训以赶上进度。